A Yankee's Musing

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Enemy Sightings

Those techno-nerds in nuclear medicine discovered some activity---the cancer receptros did indeed capture the radioactive thingamajigs and lit up by the three dimension scans taken over several days. Must have just made their day. Not so for me, but then, it is better, I guess, to have an enemy sighting than to miss the insurgency and be cut down by surprise.
And so, Monday morning will be surgery. Get that shit out of me before it grows and becomes like the anti-friendly ET creature I experienced last summer. Who says history doesn't repeat itself? Now surviving in the city is quite similar. You do not always see what the threats may be;in fact, what you see probably isn't the problem,it's what you don't see. But you hone a real sensor type of ability, I believe. It's all in the gut. I get this sudden gut feeling like "oh, oh, watch out!" and that can't be ignored. When I have ignored it in the past, I have regretted it. That feeling maybe come from somewhere deep in the recesses of the brain, or maybe it just comes through a disturbance in the energy waves that surround us all the time. Or maybe this is all hocus pocus, and it really comes from some built-in survival sensors we all have. Actually, I don't really care where it comes from, I just respect that gut feeling. I trust my gut.
I get the same feeling in the mountains too. But it usually comes with a slight shiver. It really seems to be in the air and it alerts something inside of my gut. Maybe this is possible because the air is fairly clean compared to the air sludge of the city where it is difficult even for a mosquito to survive for any length of time. But the air in the mountains isn't as clean as it used to be. Now we are aware of all the sulfa and other metallic crud that blows all the way from the industries near the Great Lakes. That shit kills trees and pollutes the streams and lakes and thereby killing the fish, and basically filling us with mercury if we eat the fish. Humans are so damn destructive. When was the last time you heard of any living creature other than the two legged kind building something that destroys other life hundreds even thousands of miles away?
Here's a thought. Somewhere out there in space some intelligent form of life is doing a nuclear scan of the earth. The receptors glow and they probe deeper to discover the meaning. Ah, ha, the destructive cells are humanoids! Yeah, no surprise, they say. Let's zap them with a little chemo. That should prevent them from spreading.
So here I am in the city, pissed off a bit, scared a lot. And deep within the bowels of NYU Medical Hospital, the techno-nerds of nuclear medicine search for alien invasions within the human body of others. If it's a good day, they will find some. They sure succeeded in their quest inside of me, and in my gut area too. Humm, does that mean this little invasion will affect my fine honed gut feelings? Interesting concept, don't you think? Enough said.


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