A Yankee's Musing

Friday, January 16, 2009

this and that

It's amazing how the time passes without even a whisper even when you live each moment fully. You'd think there might be a stirring, if not a footfall at least. But here I am, months have gone by and I have nothing chronicled here. Have I been writing? Yes, working and reworking a scene, developing the characters into more than a passing acquaintanceship, focusing my main character's perspective, since the play is his life, not mine. I really have enjoyed the challenges and stretches that playwriting requires. Enough so to take Playwriting II this semester with hopes that I complete the whole play. It is good to have a taskmaster that keeps me honest, and Jessica Hagedorn is that and more. My classmates, some new, some old, will meet this coming Wednesday. I am excited.

I am also a bit ashamed because I haven't worked on my play since we did our reading in December. I have no excuse whatsoever. I have been reading plays. I have been doing NYPD Auxiliary alot again because I have felt well. Mostly I have been playing Wiii, with special focus on bowling and boxing. I tell myself, after two hours a day and feeling physically spent, this is good for me, this is exercise!

I am feeling well. How could I not. The weather is freezing and it makes me so grateful I have a warm space in this world. I'm involved with a group of people in this world who, at a moments notice, respond to a crisis in this city to help and do so with expertise and caring - the Hudson River Miracle took many hearts and hands to make right. This city has a soul and has proven so over and over again. And then, there is Tuesday, January 20, 2009 when our President-elect will take the oath of office in front of millions of people on hand, and billions more through the media. We will all be watching and it is a miracle of sorts, to witness a moment in time when there is real hope for us as human beings, not just in one man, but in us all united. I hope this inspiration can positively transform the future of humankind. Ah, and I can hear several of my friends now saying, "Yeah, right. Here she goes again. She is going to be disappointed." And perhaps I will; but it is so important to have moments, within the disappointments, to make tiny steps for change possible. Without dreams, truthfully, we have nothing. Thank you, Barrak Obama. I never thought it would happen again in my lifetime, that I would see a real positive national leader emerge again in this country.


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