Ouch, this sure is getting old!
Or maybe it is just me. I still can bounce back, but I'm a little slower each time. I had a regular United Nations delegation medically dealing with me yesterday. One nurse was from Tailand, another from Indonesia,another from Puerto Rico, and another from, of all places,Sebago Lake, Maine. My anestigiologist (spelling leaves a lot to be desired but I'm still on drugs) was from Nigeria. My doctor has not told me where he is from, but it is clear he is an angel even though he looks like the walking dead and has no sense of humor. So, in three hours this magical crew cleaned out all the diseased tissue they could find in various parts within the depths of my torso. Most were identifiable(the glowing ones) and can be dealt with, but some they froze and are having checked further.Of course, another week to wonder. But I am doing ok. I did not stay in the hospital once I awoke fully and got them to unhook all those tubes and things. They said when I could walk alone to the bathroom, I could leave. So of course I did so post-haste. When you're drugged up, you don't feel a thing for awhile; so I took advantage of this fact. A cop friend came to pick me up in the Auxiliary Cop car. All very official so I didn't have to walk far, thank goodness. He brought a detective with him, and told me it was in case I had to be carried.You would have to see how much I have gained over the past 5 or 6 years to fully appreciate what a feat that would have been for even two of them. But he told another friend later on at the station house that it was in case they had to bust me out of the hospital. Good to have friends! So I am home and doing fine. Not very poetic or philosphical today, but just wanted any reader out there to know I will be writing real stuff here again soon; that is, when I can sit up more than 10 minutes at a time. It's a bitch getting old, but I'll take every second gratefully.